Rural Women's GP service
In small rural communities across Victoria, typically there is only one local GP, most often male. As many men and women prefer to consult with a female doctor for a range of health issues, some people will put off going to the doctor altogether, which can lead to serious health issues.
To help combat this issue, RFDS Victoria assumed responsibility of Rural Women’s GP service in 2014. Through this service, the Flying Doctor brings a female GP to various communities around Victoria, providing gender choice to all patients who would like to see a female doctor.
The Rural Women's GP service is provided through funding from both the Rural Workforce Agency Victoria and donors. This service is 100% bulk billed, leaving the patients with no out-of-pocket expenses.
The clinics are run every six to eight weeks and are hosted in partnership with a local GP clinic in the area. Currently the service is run in Robinvale, Yarram, Hopetoun, Charlton, Harrow and Ouyen. Two additional clinics have also been added at the Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-Op and Robinvale District Health Service.