Flying Doctor Wellbeing

A number of factors exacerbate mental health acuity in remote and rural Australia, including poor access to primary and acute care, limited numbers of mental health services and mental health professionals, reluctance to seek help, concerns about stigma, distance and cost and cultural barriers in service access.
In combination, these factors may have a detrimental impact on the mental health of remote and rural Australians, resulting in emergency hospital treatment for a mental disorder, or suicide in the most extreme circumstances.
Launched in 2017, Flying Doctor Wellbeing is a free mental health and wellbeing service for people in rural and remote Victorian communities. This service enables people to access sessions with a mental health clinician without needing to leave their local community, with appointments available face-to-face and via telehealth and telephone.
Flying Doctor Wellbeing is currently offered in communities across Gippsland and Victoria's western regions.

For more information about the Flying Doctor Wellbeing service, please head to our website.