Flying Doctor Speech Therapy
Learning to speak is a critical life skill, but unfortunately some children can suffer difficulties or delays with their speech and language development. As kids get older, untreated speech issues can have a real impact on their self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn can affect their ability to apply for jobs, make meaningful social connections and much more.
When it comes to speech problems, early intervention is critical. However, there is a severe lack of speech pathology services in rural communities, making it almost impossible for families to access the care their child needs.
It is because of this inequity that RFDS Victoria launched Flying Doctor Speech Therapy in 2018. This service offers families with children aged 12 and below access to a locally-based speech pathologist, meaning travel time to appointments in drastically reduced.
Working in partnership with Robinvale District Health Service, Mallee Track Health and Community Service and Inglewood and District Health Service, RFDS Victoria is committed to helping families easily access speech therapy services.